Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sardegna Zone Conference

October 8, 2013

It's hard to believe we just finished doing our third round of conferences.  It seems like we just got here a day or two ago, not 3 1/2 months ago.  Where does the time go?  Already we've served 1/12 of our mission and we still haven't unpacked some of the boxes we brought.  It just goes to show how we can really live with much less than we think we can.  Some of those perceived treasures are rapidly becoming stuff.

This round of conferences has centered on obedience.  When missionaries are obedient, everything else falls into place because the spirit can bless their lives and help them.  When they aren't doing what they are asked to do, and promised they would do, it's hard on them and in turn creates problems for many, many others.  However, when they strive to do everything they can to be obedient and seek the Lord's guidance, they experience miracles.  That's what we want for each of our missionaries.  We hope they learn to follow the promptings of the spirit so they can be successful and have wonderful experiences.  When we have successful missionaries, we are bringing others unto Christ.  That's our goal!

Lining up alphabetically--just for fun

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